folder/file diff/merge operations?

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    folder/file diff/merge operations?

    I'm thinking about buying BC. Our main requirement is for a tool like BC that can be run from other build tools such as FinalBuilder or Visual Build Pro. Can someone please tell me if and how I would achieve the following in BC : -

    two folders: Folder A & Folder B (source files)

    1. List of files in Folder A not in Folder B
    2. List of files in Folder B not in Folder A
    3. List of files that are in both Folder A and Folder B but have differences.

    Note that the source files are in fact scripted out SQL Server jobs. I will use the lists from steps 1, 2 and 3 above to either a) create a new job on the target server (if there is a new script file or an existing script file has changed) or, b) drop a job from the target server if a a source file has been removed (ie. missing from Folder A but still present in Folder B). These tasks will be handled by FinalBuilder or Visual Build Pro.

  • Aaron
    Team Scooter
    • Oct 2007
    • 16009

    Re: folder/file diff/merge operations?

    Yes, Beyond Compare can automatically generate a Report that will show you those files.

    BC has built in FinalBuilder support:

    or can be run from the command line 'bc2.exe @script.txt'
    Once launched, it will read the script.txt (or any file specified) for script instructions which it will then execute.

    One of these instructions is folder-report (see the BC Help file in Help->Contents, or F1, for a detailed description of all of folder reports options in the CommandLine and Scripting section)

    BC has a free 30 real-day trial (doesn't count days you don't launch the program) which supports everything but plug-ins (picture comparison, etc). First step would be to download it and give it a try. If you need further assisstance, you can post here, or email us at [email protected]

    The example in the help file "Performing Rules Based Compare and logging the results" is probably pretty close to what you want (display-mismatches, but you probably don't need the filter):
    #log to a file of the form log2004-10-13.txt
    #the exact format depends on your regional and language settings
    log verbose appendrojectlog%date%.txt
    #compare the text contents of the files
    criteria rules-based
    #only compare delphi source files, ignore the archive folder
    filter "*.pas;*.dfm;*.dpr;*.inc;-archive\"
    load s:\project\chris s:\project\tim
    folder-report layout:summary &
    options:display-mismatches,column-attributes,column-timestamp,column-size &
    Aaron P Scooter Software

