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Beyond Compare

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Text Compare Importance Settings

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These settings control which differences you consider important in the current session.  Important differences will be colored red in the comparison.  Unimportant differences will be blue (or not highlighted at all if View | Ignore Unimportant Differences is selected).

1.While in a Text Compare session, choose Session | Session Settings to open the Session Settings dialog.

2.Click the Importance page.

3.The text items in the Unimportant text box are considered unimportant.

4.Select the checkboxes for the grammar elements that are important to the comparison:

oLeading whitespace controls whether whitespace at the start of the line is important.

oEmbedded whitespace controls whether whitespace in the middle of the line is important.

oTrailing whitespace controls whether whitespace at the end of the line is important.

oEverything else refers to non-whitespace text not already defined as a grammar element.

oSelect the Character case checkbox if the "everything else" text is case-sensitive.  (The case sensitivity of grammar elements is controlled by the file format's grammar.)

5.Click the Edit Grammar button to examine or change the grammar definitions in the selected file format.

6.Select the Orphan lines are always important checkbox to consider an extra blank line (or an inserted line with only unimportant text) an important difference.

7.Select the Compare line endings (PC/macOS/Unix) checkbox if you want to examine line endings. Beyond Compare normally ignores differences in line ending style, such as CR+LF in Windows text files vs. LF only in Unix files.  

See also

Rules vs. File Formats